Important News
* Submission server has opened:
* Full versions of some selected papers will be invited for a Special Issue with Journal of Computer and System Sciences.
* We have fixed the submission dates at the end of May, 2023; details below.
* Four invited speakers have confirmed their participation, details below.
* Publication of conference proceedings as an LNCS volume of the ARCoSS subline approved by Springer.
* There will be a best paper and a best student paper award sponsored by Springer.
Invited Speakers
* Karl Bringmann, MPI Saarbrücken, Germany
* Stefan Glock, Univ. Passau, Germany
* Lila Kari, Univ. Waterloo, Canada
* Claire Mathieu, Univ. Sorbonne Paris, CNRS, France
Important Dates
* May 26th, 2023: Abstract submission deadline
* June 1st, 2023: Paper submission deadline
* July 17th, 2023: Author notifications
* July 24th, 2023: Final papers due
* September 18th-21st, 2023: FCT conference dates
* University of Trier, Campus 1
Program Committee
* Akanksha Agrawal, IITM Chennai, India
* Evripidis Bampis, Sorbonne Univ., France
* Hans Bodlaender, Univ. Utrecht, The Netherlands
* Ahmed Bouajjani, Univ. Paris Diderot, France
* Bogdan Chlebus, Augusta Univ., USA
* Ugo Dal Lago, Univ. Bologna, Italy
* Vida Dujmovic, Univ. Ottawa, Canada
* Leah Epstein, Univ. Haifa, Israel
* Piotr Faliszewski, AGH Univ. Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
* Henning Fernau, Univ. Trier, Germany (co-chair)
* Robert Ganian, TU Vienna, Austria
* Klaus Jansen, Univ. Kiel, Germany (co-chair)
* Artur Jeż, Univ. Wrocław, Poland
* Mamadou Kanté, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, France
* Arindam Khan, IIS Bangalore, India
* Ralf Klasing, CNRS, Univ. Bordeaux, France
* Jan Kratochvíl, Charles Univ. Prague, Czech Republic
* Sławomir Lasota, Univ. Warsaw, Poland
* Florin Manea, Univ. Göttingen, Germany
* Tomáš Masopust, Palacky Univ. Olomouc, Czech Republic
* Matthias Mnich, TU Hamburg, Germany
* Nelma Moreira, Univ. Porto, Portugal
* Norbert Müller, Univ. Trier, Germany
* Yoshio Okamoto, Univ. Electro-Commun., Japan
* Sang-il Oum, Univ. Daejeon, South Korea
* Kenta Ozeki, Yokohama Nat. Univ., Japan
* Markus Schmid, HU Berlin, Germany
* Uéverton Souza, Univ. Federal Fluminense, Brazil
* Frank Stephan, NUS, Singapore
* José Verschae, Univ. Santiago, Chile
* Boting Yang, Univ. Regina, Canada
* Guochuan Zhang, Univ. Zhejiang, China
* Binhai Zhu, Montana State Univ., USA
List of Topics (Not Exclusive)
* Algorithmic Game Theory, Complexity of Games
* Algorithmic Learning Theory
* Algorithmic Randomness
* Algorithms and Data Structures
* Algorithms for Big Data
* Approximation Algorithms
* Automata Theory
* Average-Case Analysis
* Combinatorics and Graph Theory
* Combinatorial Generation, Enumeration and Counting
* Combinatorial Optimization
* Combinatorial Reconfiguration
* Combinatorics of Words
* Complexity Theory
* Computable Analysis
* Computational Biology
* Computational Geometry
* Computational Learning Theory
* Computational Social Choice
* Computability, Recursion Theory
* Concurrency
* Data Compression
* Database Theory
* Descriptional Complexity
* Discrete Event Systems, including Petri Nets
* Discrete Optimization
* Distributed, Parallel and Network Algorithms
* Energy-Aware Algorithms
* Fine-grained Complexity
* Formal Languages
* Formal Specification and Verification
* Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
* Graph Algorithms and Modelling with Graphs
* Graph Drawing and Graph Labeling
* Grammatical Inference
* Integer and Linear Programming
* Logic in Computer Science
* Matroid Theory
* Model-Checking Algorithms
* Network Theory and Temporal Graphs
* Online Algorithms
* Parameterized and Exact Algorithms
* Parameterized Complexity
* Probabilistic and Randomized Algorithms
* Program Semantics
* Scheduling
* String Algorithms
* Telecommunication Algorithms
* Theorem Provers and Automated Reasoning
* Voting Theory
* Width Parameters
We hope to meet many of you in September,
Henning Fernau<>
Klaus Jansen<>
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