Dear Colleagues,
The 16th edition of the QMUL/LSE Colloquia in Combinatorics will be held on the 10th and the 11th of May 2023. As in the past years, we will present a dozen of talks covering a wide range of topics of interest to all working in combinatorics or related fields.
On Wednesday (May 10), at Queen Mary, University of London, the speakers will be Thomas Bloom (University of Oxford), Carla Groenland (Utrecht University), Mihyun Kang (Graz University of Technology), Cécile Mailer (University of Bath), Torsten Mütze (University of Warwick), Louis Theran (University of St Andrews).
On Thursday (May 11), at the London School of Economics, the speakers will be Martin Anthony (LSE), Annika Heckel (Uppsala University), Nina Kamčev (University of Zagreb), Guus Regts (University of Amsterdam), Paul Seymour (Princeton University), Robin Wilson (Open University).
On the LSE day of the Colloquia we will also celebrate the contributions of Norman Biggs to combinatorics in the UK, in view of his recent 80th birthday.
Please note that registration is required for the Colloquia. Visit the website ( ) for more details.
We will also host a poster session on Thursday, 12th May 2022, allowing PhD students in Discrete Mathematics and related areas to present their work. A prize for the best poster will be awarded during the evening reception that day. The jury for this prize will be made up of speakers of the Colloquia. PhD Students wishing to present a poster should apply by sending an email to Yani Pehova <<>> by Friday 14th April 2023, with a title and abstract for their poster. Notifications for selected posters will be sent out by Friday 21st April 2022. Posters should be A1 in size and in portrait format. They should be brought in at the start of the LSE day of the Colloquia (Thursday 12th May 2022).
Some funds are available to contribute to the expenses of research students who wish to attend the meetings. Priority for this funding will be given to students presenting posters.
We are looking forward to seeing you in London,
Julia Böttcher, Jan van den Heuvel, Felix Fischer, Yani Pehova, Justin Ward
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