Technische Universität Berlin
Postdoc position in Combinatorial Optimization
Research Assistant (salary grade E13 TV-L)
for up to 2 years
A postdoc position in Combinatorial Optimization is available at TU Berlin
( and The successful applicant is
expected to perform innovative research in the area of combinatorial optimization and efficient
algorithms, and will also contribute to third-party funded research projects. Moreover, he or she
will assist in teaching basic as well as advanced math courses, mainly in the area of algorithmic
discrete mathematics (both in German and in English).
Candidates should have an excellent PhD in mathematics, computer science or a closely related area,
and must have profound knowledge in Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics and deepened knowledge of
Combinatorial Optimization and related areas. Good communication skills and solid command of German
and English in speaking and writing are expected. Experience in academic teaching, e.g., as a
student assistant, is an advantage.
Besides its many cultural attractions, Berlin offers a strong scientific landscape including three
major universities and the Berlin Matheatics Research Center MATH+ (, including the
international graduate program Berlin Mathematical School (, promoted by the
German Excellence Strategy; these offer ample opportunities for joint research and support for
Postdocs and PhD students (e.g., meetings, lecture series, international summer schools etc.).
Instructions on how to apply and more details on the position can be found at:
The application deadline is: March 20, 2023
Prof. Dr. Max Klimm
Prof. Dr. Martin Skutella
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