We are offering a 2-year machine learning postdoc position,
full-time temporary employment, in the University of the Basque
Country, in San Sebastian, Spain.
Topic: New deep learning approaches for neural stochastic
differential equations
Deadline: March 31st
Expected start date: June 30th, 2023.
Job Ad:
This project is led in collaboration between researchers of the
Intelligent Systems Group (ISG) of the University of the Basque
Country (UPV/EHU) in San Sebastian, Spain and the Graduate Program in
Computational Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. We are looking for a motivated and experienced scientist to
fill a two-year POST-DOCTORAL position in the scope of the IKUR
project: "New deep learning approaches for neural stochastic
differential equations". The location for the position is San
Sebastian, Spain.
The project involves the conception of methods for efficient
simulation of systems of differential equations based on deep learning
models. To perform the analysis and interpretation of the simulations
from a physical point of view. To design and implement neural network
architectures that could help in the study and prediction of phase
transitions in physical systems driven by stochastic differential
Required Education and Skills:
PhD in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or related areas.
Experience in the field of differential equations, statistical
physics, or probability and stochastic processes. Familiarity with
concepts from machine learning, particularly deep learning and neural
Advanced programming skills in scientific computing.
The main task of the job is devoted to the development of methods
and algorithms in machine learning applied to statistical physics
problems, phase transition analysis and general solutions of
differential equations.
Applicants should submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV), a motivation
letter and arrange for two letters of reference to be sent on their
behalf to Dr. Zochil González and Dr. Roberto Santana.
All files required for the application should be sent in PDF format to
the following email addresses: processo.seletivo.ccomp@ime.uerj.br,
roberto.santana@ehu.eus, with the subject line "Application – IKUR
Postdoctoral Fellowship". The signed letters of reference must be sent
by each referee in PDF form to the same email address; please ask
him/her to include the text "Name of the candidate – Letter of
Reference" in the subject line of the e-mail.
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
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