Sunday, June 23, 2024

[DMANET] SSDBM 2024 : Poster submission deadline is approaching (June 26, 2024)

Deadline for poster submission: June 26, 2024
36th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management
July 10–12, 2024
Rennes, France <>
The SSDBM international conference brings together scientific domain experts, database researchers, practitioners, and developers for the presentation and exchange of current research results on concepts, tools, and techniques for scientific and statistical database applications. The 36th SSDBM will provide a forum for original research contributions and practical system design, implementation and evaluation. The conference program typically consists of a single track to facilitate discussion, and contains presentations of invited talks, panel sessions, and demonstrations of research prototypes and industrial systems.

SSDBM 2024 will be held in Rennes, France, from July 10th to 12th. SSDBM 2024 will continue the tradition of past SSDBM meetings in providing a stimulating environment to encourage discussion, fellowship and exchange of ideas in all aspects of research related to scientific and statistical data management, and high-performance data analysis tools and techniques for distributed datasets. Topics of interest in SSDBM 2024 papers include, but are not limited to:

- Modeling of scientific data
- Indexing and querying scientific data, including spatial, temporal, and streaming data
- FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)
- Provenance data management
- Schema evolution
- Data integration
- Visualization and exploration of large datasets
- Spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal scientific data
- Geographical information retrieval
- Location-aware recommender systems
- Stream data representation and management
- Stream data analysis, e.g., summarization, statistical analysis, pattern matching, pattern discovery, learning, and prediction
- Design, implementation, optimization, and reproducibility of scientific workflows
- Security and privacy
- Cloud computing issues in large-scale data management
- Information retrieval and text mining
- System architectures
- Case studies (e.g., astrophysics, climate, energy, sustainability, biomedicine)
- Distributed systems and devices
- Internet of Things data analytics
- Smart city applications and services
- Database support of machine learning and AI

Research Posters
There will be a poster session where participants will have the opportunity to present their ongoing research with new problems/solutions; and receive feedback from the community. Accepted posters will also be given a short presentation slot in the conference. Posters will be subject to a very light scope and presentation check. The number of accepted posters is limited by the poster space available.

Poster submissions consist of:
- An extended abstract (extended abstracts should not exceed 2 pages and should be formatted using the ACM format available at <> by selecting the generic "sigconf" sample.). Authors must include their names and affiliations on the first page.
- A draft of the proposed poster (organized as one A0-size sheet, in vertical (preferred) or horizontal layout).

Extended abstracts will be published on the SSDBM 2024 website at the time of the conference. Research Posters (extended abstracts) will not be included in the proceedings.

At least one author of each accepted poster must register and plan to attend the conference in-person (student rate applies for student posters). Each author registration can be applied to only one accepted submission.

Submission deadline: (Extended) June 26 at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Submission site: <>

Organization Committee
General Chair
Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, France

General Vice Chair
Suren Byna, The Ohio State University, USA

Program Chairs
Tristan Allard, University of Rennes, France
Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), USA
Amelie Chi Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Short Paper Chairs
Tassadit Bouadi, University of Rennes, France
Jalil Boukhobza, National Institute of Advanced Technologies of Brittany (ENSTA Bretagne), France

Demo Paper Chairs
Diana Moise, HPE, Switzerland
Cédric Tedeschi, University of Rennes, France

Proceedings Chair
Jean Luca Bez, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Local Event Coordinator
Edith Blin, Inria, France

Web Chairs
Marc Tranzer, Inria, France
Mohammad Rizk, Inria, France

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