bilateral DFG+AEI project «SRC-ExCo- Structure, Randomness and
Computational Methods in Extremal Combinatorics» between the
Combinatorics and Graph Theory research group at the Freie Universität
Berlin and the Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilisitc Combinatorics
group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). The
project is lead by Tibor Szabó (FU Berlin node) and Juanjo Rué (UPC node).
The successful candidate will undertake the initial 18 months of the
postdoctoral research at UPC. Pending a positive midterm evaluation, the
postdoctoral position will be followed by the subsequent 18 months at FU
The successful candidate should hold a PhD in mathematics or related
field by the start of the appointment and have an interest in extremal
and probabilistic combinatorics or graph theory. The successful
candidate will have the opportunity to interact in Barcelona with
researchers of the project, including Patrick Morris, Simeon Ball,
Guillem Perarnau and Richard Lang.
The position is to be filled by September 2025 the latest, but an
earlier starting date is also possible.
Documentation: Qualified candidates should submit
•a cover letter, including the name of at least two reference letter
•CV, including list of publications,
•research statement.
Please send thesethree documents in a single pdf-file to Furthermore:
•arrange at least two letters of recommendation to be sent directly by
the reference writers to the same email address (
Deadline for applications: Applications received by *27th of January
*will receive full consideration. For any further inquiry please feel
free to contact the project leaders.
About UPC: The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC Barcelona) is a
top public university in Spain specializing in engineering,
architecture, and science. Founded in 1971, UPC is known for its
excellence in technology and innovation. The Department of Mathematics
at UPC plays a central role in mathematics in the Barcelona region, and
many of their members are associated researchers at Centre de Recerca
Matemàtica ( <>). Combinatorics is a well
stablished topic in Barcelona with a large research group that had grown
in the last years.
About FU Berlin: The *Freie Universität Berlin* is part of the Berlin
University Allience, one of the "Universities of Excellence" of Germany.
The Mathematics Institute is a core member of the Berlin Mathematical
School ( <>), a
joint English-language graduate program, established in cooperation with
the other two major research universities of Berlin (the
Humboldt-Universität (HU) and the Technische Universität (TU)). Discrete
Mathematics is represented in great variety in Berlin and is one of the
focus areas of the BMS.The city of Berlin <>has
a great tradition of multicultural openness and its rich cultural and
academic life also provides an excellent setting for mathematical
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