Monday, January 27, 2025

[DMANET] Intensive Research Program "Combinatorial Geometries and Geometric Combinatorics", October-November 2025, CRM Barcelona, Spain

Combinatorial Geometries and Geometric Combinatorics 2025

Dates: October–November 2025

Location: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), Barcelona, Spain


We are delighted to announce the upcoming Intensive Research Program on Combinatorial Geometries and Geometric Combinatorics, which will take place at the CRM in Barcelona during October and November 2025. This program is a Maria de Maeztu Focused Research Activity, jointly supported by CRM, IMUB, and MICINN.

This program will bring together students and researchers in the fields of polyhedral geometry, matroids, oriented matroids, and geometric combinatorics. Participants will engage in a rich schedule of activities, including a research school, research projects, seminars, and a conference.

Key Dates and Activities:

* October 1: Arrival and welcome tea
* October 2–3: Recollections on polyhedral geometry and oriented matroids by Kolja Knauer<> (Universitat de Barcelona) and Vincent Pilaud<> (Universitat de Barcelona)
* October 6–17: Advanced research school, featuring courses by leading experts:
* Laura Anderson<> (Binghamton University, USA), Intersection properties in oriented matroids
* Carolina Benedetti<> (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia), TBA
* Raman Sanyal<> (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany), Moduli polytopes: parametrizing combinatorial structures with polytopes
* Geoff Whittle<> (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), The impossibility of chaos: how structure arises in matroid theory
* October 20 – November 21: Research projects, seminars, and visiting researchers, including
* Asilata Bapat<> (The Australian National University)
* Spencer Backman<> (University of Vermont)
* Jérémie Chalopin<> (CNRS & Univesité Aix-Marseille)
* Victor Chepoi<> (Aix-Marseille Université)
* Daria Polyakova<> (Hamburg Universität)
* Francisco Santos<> (Universidad de Cantabria)
* November 24–28: Closing conference, with invited speakers including
* Kristóf Bérczi<> (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
* Marie Brandenburg<> (Universität Bochum, Germany)
* Galen Dorpalen-Barry<> (Texas A&M University, USA)
* Alex Fink<> (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
* Emeric Gioan<> (CNRS & Université de Montpellier, France)
* Relinde Jurrius<> (Netherland Defence Academy, Netherland)
* Georg Loho<> (Freie Universität Berlin & Universität Twente, Germany)
* Chiara Meroni<> (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
* Karola Mészáros<> (Cornell University, USA)
* Eran Nevo<> (Hebrew University, Israel)
* Ben Smith<> (University of Lancaster, UK)

Applications and Deadlines:

* Full Program Applications: Open now for those wishing to participate in the entire program (October–November). Apply by February 14, 2025 with the form Decisions will be communicated in March.
* Registration for specific events (research school or conference) will open at a later date.

Financial Support:

A limited number of participants will receive financial support for shared accommodations at the Vila Universitaria on campus. Details on how to apply for support are available on the program's website.


The program will be held at CRM Barcelona, located on the campus of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Participants can take advantage of accommodations at Vila Universitaria or Hotel Campus. Details are available on the program's website.

Stay Updated:

Visit the program's website:
Join our mailing list for updates on registration, announcements, and other key information:
Contact the organizers:<>.

Please, forward this announcement to anyone who could be interested.
We look forward to welcoming you to Barcelona for this exciting program!

Organizing Committee

Kolja Knauer<> (Universitat de Barcelona)
Anna de Mier<> (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Arnau Padrol<> (Universitat de Barcelona)
Julian Pfeifle<> (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Vincent Pilaud<> (Universitat de Barcelona)

Scientific Committee

Martina Juhnke<> (Osnabrück Universität, Germany)
Peter Nelson<> (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Felipe Rincon<> (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)
Martha Yip<> (University of Kentucky, USA)

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