Reykjavik University, under the guidance of Magnus M. Halldorsson.
We focus on graph algorithms in constrained models of computation:
distributed, streaming, dynamic, property testing, online, sparsification,
and communication complexity. A particular focus has been on randomized
algorithms for distributed graph coloring.
The position is part of a research project on examining modern models of
computation through the lens of graph coloring, funded by the Icelandic
Research Fund. The project is also an umbrella for general algorithms
research. We focus on tier-1 conferences for publication: PODC and DISC for
distributed work; SODA, ICALP, FOCS, and STOC for other areas.
The applicant is expected to have good algorithmic grasp with experience in
probabilistic analysis.
The position provides a pre-tax stipend of 478,000 ISK per month. It is for
three years, to start as soon as possible.
Reykjavik is a vibrant city with easy outdoors access. With lunar-like
landscapes, Iceland offers unsurpassed opportunities to see nature at work.
It also ranks high on lists for safety, equality, and happiness.
Interested applicants should send their CV, including a list of
publications, in PDF to (or, together with a
statement outlining their suitability for the project and the names of at
least two referees. An internship would also be available.
Informal inquiries about the project and the conditions of work are very
welcome. For first priority, submit by 5 February 2025.
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