Wednesday, January 22, 2025

[DMANET] EUROPT 2025: 2nd call with opening for new streams

Dear Colleagues,
/EUROPT 2025 - the 22nd EUROPT Conference on Advances in Continuous
Optimization/ taking place in Southampton, UK, from 29th June to
2nd July (the 5th EUROPT Summer School will be held at the same
location, just before the conference: 27th and 28th of June).
The streams confirmed so far can be found on the the conference
website: <>

If you wish to contribute an invited session (3 to 4 talks on a specific
topic) or an individual talk to any of the streams, please do not
hesitate to contact the stream organisers.
You are also welcome to organize a new stream on a topic complementary
to the current list. For new streams, please contact the conference team
directly at <>.
Best wishes,
EUROPT 2025 Co-chairs
Selin Ahipasaoglu, Alain Zemkoho, Giancarlo Bigi
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