Monday, January 27, 2025

[DMANET] PhD studentship in Algorithms and complexity (UK home students only)

Subject: PhD studentship in Algorithms and complexity (UK home students

The Algorithms group at the University of Leeds (UK) is offering a fully
funded 3.5-year PhD studentship on Parameterized Complexity and
Approximation. Parameterized Complexity is a vastly growing area within
theoretical computer science that allows for the development of exact and
approximation algorithms for computationally hard problems by exploiting
the structure of inputs and doing a multivariate complexity analysis. The
goal of this project is to develop more efficient parameterized
approximation algorithms and preprocessing algorithms (also known as
kernelization) for a wide range of NP-hard graph problems.
Requirements: Applicants should have at least a first class or an upper
second class British Bachelors Honours degree (or equivalent) in an
appropriate discipline, i.e., computer science or mathematics. Applicants
are expected to have excellent mathematical skills as well as an interest
in discrete algorithms.
For details and application process please visit

Contact details: Fahad Panolan (

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