Practical Informations
LIMOS Laboratory, UMR CNRS 6158, INS2I, University Blaise Pascal
Clermont-Ferrand FRANCE
The CNRS/University LIMOS Laboratory : Informatics, Modelling,
Optimization, Systems, located in Clermont-Ferrand, proposes a Chaire
Mixte CNRS/Universite en Computer Sciences
This position is a mixed University/CNRS permanent position, which,
besides, offers during a 5 year duration the following advantages:
- a 64 h/year teaching duty ;
- an individual 6000 Euros/year bonus for a young doctor and a 10000
Euros/year bonus for an experienced searcher (at least 5 in a previous
academic position) ;
- a 15000 Euros/year subside dedicated to scientific activity.
Applying for this position is open to young doctors as well as to
experienced searchers, independently of their origin and nationality.
Profile: The candidate should be able to identify his activity with at
least one of the following keywords : Operations Research, Combinatorial
Optimization, Graphs/Algorithms, Applications to Emerging Systems (Web,
Sensors Networks, Transportation Systems, Imagery...).
Procedure: candidates should go connect themselves to the web site:
The position is labelled MCF 1050 Clermont-Ferrand, Universite Blaise
Pascal; one should load the same application file as for the usual MCF
position (still, the CNU 27 "qualification" is not required here).
Deadline for application is the 8 th of April. Candidates should send
the application file, together with a CV, and a presentation of their
research project and of the way way this project fits the activity of
the LIMOS Lab. (Algorithms, Models and Decision Systems,
Information/Communication Systems, Production Systems). They should send
it to the following adresses:
Universite Blaise Pascal, Service du Personnel, Madame Lachaud
34 Avenue Carnot
63000 Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Alain Quilliot
Dir. LIMOS, Bat ISIMA, BP 10125
Campus des Cezeaux
For any contact : Alain QUILLIOT, LIMOS Head
Tel : 04 73 40 50 04
Email :
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