Papers accepted to SIROCCO 2010
- Ivan Rapaport and Eric Rémila.
*Average Long-Lived Memoryless Consensus: The Three-Value Case*
- Marcin Bienkowski, Leszek Gasieniec, Marek Klonowski, Miroslaw
Korzeniowski and Stefan Schmid.
*Event Extent Estimation*
- Petr Kuznetsov and Stefan Schmid.
*Towards Network Games with Social Preferences*
- Jurek Czyzowicz, David Ilcinkas, Arnaud Labourel and Andrzej Pelc.
*Asynchronous deterministic rendezvous in bounded terrains*
- Bastian Degener, Barbara Kempkes, Peter Kling and Friedhelm Meyer auf
der Heide.
*A continuous, local strategy for constructing a short chain of
mobile robots*
- Emanuele Guido Fusco and Andrzej Pelc.
*Distributed tree comparison with nodes of limited memory*
- Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, Lata Narayanan and Ladislav Stacho.
*Maximum Interference of Random Sensors on a Line*
- Nir Amira, Zvi Lotker and Ran Giladi.
*Distributed Weighted Stable Marriage Problem*
- Rastislav Kralovic and Stanislav Miklík.
*Periodic Data Retrieval Problem in Rings Containing a Malicious Host*
- Evangelos Kranakis, Oscar Morales Ponce and Ladislav Stacho.
*Strong Orientations of Planar Graphs with Bounded Stretch Factor*
- Bourgeois Nicolas, Bruno Escoffier and Vangelis Paschos.
*Fast algorithms for min independent dominating set*
- Daisuke Baba, Tomoko Izumi, Fukuhito Ooshita, Hirotsugu Kakugawa and
Toshimitsu Masuzawa.
*Space-Optimal Rendezvous of Mobile Agents in Asynchronous Trees*
- Bruno Escoffier, laurent gourves and jerome monnot.
*On the impact of local taxes in a set cover game*
- Stéphane Devismes, Carole Delporte-Gallet, Hugues Fauconnier and Mikel
*Algorithms For Extracting Timeliness Graphs*
- Tomoko Izumi, Taisuke Izumi, Sayaka Kamei and Fukuhito Ooshita.
*Mobile Robots Gathering Algorithm with Local Weak Multiplicity in Rings*
- Ignasi Sau, Mordechai Shalom and Shmuel Zaks.
*Traffic Grooming in Star Networks via Matching Techniques*
- Cyril Gavoille, Quentin Godfroy and Laurent Viennot.
*Multipath Spanners*
- Anissa Lamani, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru and Sebastien Tixeuil.
*Optimal Deterministic Ring Exploration with Oblivious Asynchronous
- Masoud Khosravani and Michael Dinneen.
*A Linear Time Algorithm for the Minimum Spanning Caterpillar Problem
for Bounded Treewidth Graphs*