Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[DMANET] PhD Studentship (University of Nottingham)

PhD Studentship
Potential Of Psychological Information To Inform Credit Scoring
University of Nottingham - School of Computer Science & School of Psychology

(funded by Experian plc)

The Schools of Computer Science and Psychology at the University of
Nottingham have support from Experian plc to fund a three year PhD
studentship on the project entitled "Potential of Psychological
Information to inform credit scoring" and we are now seeking
applications from suitably qualified students (preferably a relevant MSc
in Computer Science) to be considered for this opportunity.

The project will use data mining techniques to identify potential
psychological characteristics from a range of data sources to supplement
existing credit scoring models. A key aspect of the PhD will be data
mining based on sound psychological theories using state-of-the-art
machine learning techniques and building and evaluating a range of
models. The student will register for a PhD in Computer Science.

The requirements for the full studentship are that student:

1. should expect or have an upper second or first class undergraduate
degree and preferably have an MSc with either Distinction, Merit, or
other indicator of excellent performance;
2. can demonstrate a substantial amount of degree-level learning in
relevant mathematical, statistical or computational data analysis
methodologies. Some experience with theories in psychological would be
an advantage.

The studentship will fully fund PhD registration fees for either UK/EU
Students, due to funding restrictions this studentship is only available
to UK/EU students. A stipend will be paid for three years; the stipend
will commence at £13,590 (tax free) per annum. The studentship is
expected to start by September 2011, but may start earlier by mutual

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Uwe Aickelin, email:
uwe.aickelin@nottingham.ac.uk. Please note that applications sent
directly to this email address will not be accepted.

Please apply using the University's online applications process:

Please quote ref. SCI/1016. This studentship will remain open until
filled. Review of applications: 11 July 2011.
Professor Uwe Aickelin
School of Computer Science - Intelligent Modelling & Analysis (IMA)
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus,
Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK.

Phone: +44 (0)115 95 14215
Email: uwe.aickelin@nottingham.ac.uk
web: http://ima.ac.uk/aickelin
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