Friday, June 24, 2011

[DMANET] Postdoctoral positions in algorithms at Nanyang Technological University

Postdoctoral Positions Open

Postdoctoral positions (official title: "Research Fellows") are
available, starting immediately in the Division of Mathematical
Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, with Prof.
Gopal Pandurangan. All recent Ph.D.s (or those close to finishing) who
work in theoretical computer science with a focus on one or more of
the following areas are encouraged to apply: randomized/probabilistic
algorithms, distributed algorithms/computing, approximation
algorithms, network algorithms, communication complexity, and other
related areas in algorithms. All candidates with publication record in
theory and algorithms (e.g., SODA, FOCS, STOC, PODC, SPAA, DISC) are
encouraged to apply.

Salaries are competitive and are determined according to the
successful applicants' accomplishments, experience and qualifications.
Funding is available for up to three years. Travel funding is

The Mathematical Sciences Division at NTU has a vibrant research group
in theoretical computer science, with several faculty, visitors from
leading institutions, post-doctoral research fellows, and Ph.D.
students from all over the world.

The candidates should send their CV, a brief research statement, and
two letters of recommendation to Prof. Gopal Pandurangan
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