IPEC 2013
The 8th International Symposium on
Parameterized and Exact Computation
Sophia Antipolis, France
September 4-6, 2013
IPEC 2013 covers research in all aspects of parameterized/exact algorithms and complexity. Papers presenting original research in the area are sought, including but not limited to: new techniques for the design and analysis of parameterized and exact algorithms, fixed-parameter tractability results, parameterized complexity theory, relationship between parameterized complexity and traditional complexity classifications, applications of parameterized and exact computation, and implementation issues of parameterized and exact algorithms. In particular, studies on parameterized and exact computations for real-world applications and algorithmic engineering are especially encouraged.
IPEC 2013 will be part of ALGO 2013, which also hosts ESA 2013 and a number of more specialized conferences and workshops. ALGO 2013 will take place September 2-6, 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in English no longer than 12 pages using at least 11-point font, preferably in LNCS-style, describing original unpublished research. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not permitted. Additional details as necessary may be included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee. Authors must submit their papers electronically. A detailed description of the electronic submission process will be made available at the symposium website. Program committee members (except the co-chairs) are allowed to submit papers.
Accepted papers are expected to be published in the symposium proceedings in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the symposium, and to incorporate the comments from the program committee.
The program committee may award an Excellent Student Paper Award to one or more papers accepted to the symposium. A paper is eligible for the award if all authors are students at the time of submission, where a student is someone who has not been awarded a PhD before the paper submission deadline.
Invited speakers will be announced later.
Abstract Submission: June 12, 2013
Paper Submission: June 15, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: 13 July, 2013
Symposium: September 4-6, 2013
Faisal Abu-Khzam
Andreas Björklund
Rod Downey
Mike Fellows
Serge Gaspers
Gregory Gutin (co-chair)
Pinar Heggeneres
Eun Jung Kim
Christian Komusiewicz
Daniel Lokshtanov
Venkatesh Raman
Peter Rossmanith
Stefan Szeider (co-chair)
Anders Yeo
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