Monday, March 9, 2015

[DMANET] CFP: Nature's Inspired Parallel Collaborative Systems Track, INCoS-2015

SYSTEMS (INCoS-2015) ***
*** Nature's Inspired Parallel Collaborative Systems
Track ***
*** September 2-4, 2015, Taipei,
Taiwan ***
*** ***

Track Description:

During these last twenty years modern research has expanded to address
more and more complex problems, with regards to their dimensionality,
restrictions, computing power required, etc. In particular, those coming
from real-world scenarios are getting both larger in size and harder in
complexity. With high demands of accuracy (and robustness) in the
solutions and needing the shortest possible computational time, these
problems face researchers to new challenges which are hard to solve with
traditional techniques and computers. One way to efficiently produce
results derived from processing huge amounts of data is the use of
parallel algorithms, hardware, and specialized techniques. The technical
evolution of parallel architectures (symmetric multiprocessors,
multi/many-cores, GPUs, clouds, etc.), is offering more and more
opportunities for designing efficient algorithms in many research fields.

This track in INCoS aims at fostering the cross-fertilization of
knowledge between Nature's inspired techniques, or metaheuristics in
general, and parallel computing. Working in two domains of research is
at the same time difficult and fruitful. Knowledge about parallel
computing helps in creating parallel algorithms for clusters, grids of
computers or GPU architectures. However, this also implies the need for
a careful definition of proper benchmarks, software tools, and metrics
to measure the behavior of algorithms in a meaningful way. In concrete,
a conceptual separation between physical parallelism and decentralized
algorithms (whether implemented in parallel or not) is needed to better
analyze the resulting algorithms.


This track includes (but is not limited to) topics concerning the
design, implementation, and application of parallel evolutionary
algorithms, as well as metaheuristics and agents in general: ACO, PSO,
VNS, SS, SA, EDAs, TS, ES, GP, GRASP… As an indication, contributions
are welcomed in the following areas:

* Parallel evolutionary algorithms
* Parallel metaheuristics
* Parallel hybrid/memetic algorithms
* Parallel multiobjective optimization algorithms
* Parallel algorithms and dynamic optimization problems (DOP)

* Master/slave models
* Massively parallel algorithms
* GPU computing
* SIMD/MIMD and FPGA parallelization
* Distributed and shared-memory parallel algorithms
* Multicore execution of parallel algorithms
* Concurrent algorithms with several threads of execution
* Algorithms running in clusters of machines
* Grid computing
* Peer to peer (P2P) algorithms

* Competitive/cooperative parallel algorithms and agents
* Ad-hoc and mobile networks for parallel algorithms
* Algorithms and tools for helping in designing new parallel algorithms
* Parallel software frameworks/libraries
* Parallel test benchmarks
* Statistical assessment of performance for parallel algorithms

* Unified view of parallel approaches and results
* Theory on decentralized and parallel algorithms
* Real-world applications in:
* telecommunications
* bioinformatics
* signal and image processing
* manufacturing
* engineering
* ...

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of INCoS 2015, which
will be published by IEEE CPS.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: March 25, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: May 25, 2015
Camera-Ready Submission: June 25, 2015
Registration: June 25, 2015
Workshop and INCoS Main Conference: September 2 - 4, 2015

Track Chairs:

Enrique Alba,
Gabriel Luque,

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