/The 2nd international workshop on new models, algorithms and simulation
tools for cloud computing, cloud brokering, Internet shopping, and
e-commerce trading
in conjunction with //IAIT2015 <http://www.iait-conf.org/> //The 7th
International Conference on Advances in Information Technology
November 22, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand/
Dear Colleagues,
The scientific team of PolLux European IShOP project
(http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/ishop/), University of Luxembourg
(http://wwwen.uni.lu/snt) and Poznan University of Technology
(http://www2.cs.put.poznan.pl/en/)is glad to announce the Call for
Papers of the *BusinessClouds 2015*/The 2nd international workshop on
new models, algorithms and simulation tools for cloud computing, cloud
brokering, Internet shopping, and e-commerce trading?/that will be held
in Bangkok, Thailandin conjunction with the /IAIT2015
<http://www.iait-conf.org/>/*, *//The 7th International Conference on
Advances in Information Technology//.
The BusinessClouds workshop provides vibrant opportunities for
researchers and industry practitioners to share their research
experience, original research results and practical development
experiences on specific new challenges and emerging issues. Workshop
will provide contributions to significant topics that are under interest
of IAIT2015 <http://www.iait-conf.org/> Conference. Among others, we
suppose strong contributions in such areas like:
* Cloud/Grid Computing (Resource sharing/monitoring, Data storage,
Replication, load balancing, Green cloud systems and networking,
Mobile cloud system design, and others).
* Modeling and Simulation in Cloud Applications (Combinatorial
Optimization, Computational Finance, Computational Neuroscience,
Computational Biology Computational Physics and Chemistry and others)
* Applications for Cloud Brokering, Internet Shopping (Combinatorial
Optimization, Exact algorithms, Heuristic approaches, Evolutionary
algorithms, Swarm Intelligence, Optimization algorithms, and others.)
_Both theoretical papers and papers describing practical experiences are
Workshop venue is beautiful *Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok*
Important dates*
* Paper submission deadline: *August 10, 2015*
* Notification of acceptance: *September 1, 2015*
* Camera ready manuscripts: *September 15, 2015*
* Workshop Date: *November 22, 2015*
*Paper Submission and Publication*
The submission follows the regulation of IAIT2015
<http://www.iait-conf.org/paper_submission_2015.php>. The paper must be
submitted through the IAIT2015 submission system (Easy chair). All
accepted papers will be published under the same proceeding of the
IAIT2015 in the Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier.
*Key Organizers*
* Jacek Blazewicz - Poznan University of Technology, Poland
* Pascal Bouvry - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
* Jakub Marszalkowski - Poznan University of Technology, Poland
* Jedrzej Musial - Poznan University of Technology, Poland
The*web**site**of the event*is available at:
_*Please visit our website for more detailed information.*_
Best regards,
BusinessClouds 2015 workshop Organizers
businessclouds@cs.put.poznan.pl <mailto:businessclouds@cs.put.poznan.pl>
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
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