Title : Models and methods for decentralized decision in logistics networks
Keywords : Comb in atorial Auctions, In teger Programm in g, Physical In ternet
Co-supervisors : E. Ballot (Ecole des M in es de Paris), L. Brotcorne ( IN RIA)
Do not hesitate to contact Luce Brotcorne :
This Ph.D. research project consists in design in g in novative logistics services based on the concept of physical in ternet
while tak in g in to account environmental and economic objectives. More precisely, it aims to develop models and decision
mak in g algorithms to design simultaneously several susta in able logistics and transportation cha in s between orig in s and d
est in ations given a logistics and transportation network. This mesh network will result from in for mation published by
logisticians and carriers from their networks , warehouses, l in e haul services, less-than-truckload services.
The problem of design in g multimodal susta in able cha in s will be addressed in the case where
the system is shared between actors and decentralized . The shipper will specify the general framework
( potential multimodal plat for ms to be used ) and the orig in s and dest in ations of flows. Then, transportation companies
will put out their offers, which will be considered accord in g to a comb in atorial auction mechanism .
This will result in a shared logistics activity that optimizes the use of resources.
The objective of the first part of the thesis will be to def in e the mathematical models for the problems addressed. The task will be complex as
it is a decentralized approach. Models are required at the level of each partner (shipper, carrier or logistics service providers bidd in g and auction agents).
For eseen models are based on: Offer of logistics services; Price determ in ation model for buyers of logistics services;
Comb in atorial auctions at the level of the auction agent for the "w in ner determ in ation problem"; Game shar in g solution,
Shapley value for example, to allocate ga in s result in g from auction between the vendor of the logistics service,
the buyer and the possible in termediate (cross-dock operations…).
The second part of the thesis will be devoted to the development of in novative optimization algorithms. The objective is to solve
the two ma in s and more complex models : the w in ner determ in ation problem (allocation of a logistics service to a set of shipments)
and the shar in g mechanism result in g of new allocation of services. These two problems are NP-hard problems in general.
Ad-hoc efficient methods based on mathematical programm in g will have to be developed.
Luce Brotcorne
INRIA Lille - Nord Europe
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne
40, Avenue Halley, Bat A, Park Plaza
F 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: + 33 (0)3 59 35 86 29
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