Wednesday, March 7, 2018

[DMANET] PostDoc Assistant (tenure track) at Univ. Klagenfurt (Austria)

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt announces the following open position:

PostDoc Assistant (tenure track)

at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. This is a full-time position
(initial employment limited to 6 years) with the option of concluding a
qualification agreement (promotion to Assistant Professor). Upon
fulfilling the qualification agreement, the position progresses from
Assistant to Associate Professor (permanent employment). Starting date is
earliest possible.

This opening is aimed exclusively at women and is part of a package of
measures to increase the proportion of women in professorships and tenure
track positions at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The successful
applicant is expected to be assigned to one of the working groups of the 9
departments of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in order to ensure
synergies in research and teaching. The departments cover the following

Computer Science
Didactics of Computer Science
Didactics of Mathematics
Information Technology

Required Qualifications:

PhD in one of the above enumerated research fields
Outstanding research achievements and scientific publications
Potential for future scientific work
Teaching experience (at university level) and didactic competence
Excellent English language skills

The tasks and responsibilites, additional desired qualifications, and
information on how to apply can be found at

Application deadline is April 4th, 2018.

For further information, please contact Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angelika Wiegele,
e-mail: frauenplus.tewi [at]

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