38th Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and
Theoretical Computer Science
December 11-13, 2018
School of Engineering and Applied Science, Ahmedabad University,
Ahmedabad, India
Call for Papers
The FSTTCS conference solicits submission of original results in
foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology.
Representative areas include, but are not limited to, the following.
* Algorithms and Data Structures
* Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics
* Approximation Algorithms
* Automata, Games and Formal Languages
* Combinatorial Optimization
* Communication Complexity
* Computational Biology
* Computational Complexity
* Computational Geometry
* Computational Learning Theory
* Cryptography and Security
* Data Streaming and Sublinear Algorithms
* Game Theory and Mechanism Design
* Logic in Computer Science
* Model Theory, Modal and Temporal Logics
* Models of Concurrent and Distributed Systems
* Models of Timed, Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems
* Parallel, Distributed and Online Algorithms
* Parameterized Complexity
* Principles and Semantics of Programming Languages
* Program Analysis and Transformation
* Proof Complexity
* Quantum Computing
* Randomness in Computing
* Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
* Theorem Proving, Decision Procedures, Model Checking and Reactive
* Theoretical Aspects of Mobile and High-Performance Computing
Submissions must be in electronic form via EasyChair
using the LIPIcs LaTeX style file
Submissions must not exceed 12 pages (excluding bibliography), but may
include a clearly marked appendix containing technical details. The
appendix will be read only at the discretion of the program committee.
Simultaneous submissions to journals or other conferences with
published proceedings are disallowed.
Accepted papers will be published as proceedings of the conference in
the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
(LIPIcs) (https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics/) as a free,
open, electronic archive with access to all. Authors will retain full
rights over their work. The accepted papers will be published under
a CC-BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). For
an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, one of the authors
must commit to presenting the paper at the conference.
Important Dates and Links
* Paper Submission deadline: July 24, 2018 AOE
* Notification to Authors: September 24, 2018 AOE
* Deadline for camera-ready papers: October 05, 2018 AOE
Invited Speakers
* Ola Svensson (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Santosh Vempala (Georgia Tech)
Steering Committee
* Deepak D'Souza (IISc Bangalore, India)
* Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur, India)
* Meena Mahajan (IMSc Chennai, India) chair
* Naveen Garg (IIT Delhi, India)
* K Narayan Kumar (CMI Chennai, India)
* Supratik Chakraborty (IIT Bombay, India)
Programme Committee
* Ahmed Bouajjani (Paris Diderot University, France )
* Alessandro Cimatti (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy )
* Alexander Rabinovich (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
* Amit Deshpande (Microsoft Research, Bangalore)
* Anand Louis (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
* Anirban Dasgupta (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar)
* Anupam Gupta (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
* Chaitanya Swamy (University of Waterloo, Canada)
* Chandra Chekuri (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
* Jean-Francois Raskin (ULB, Belgium)
* Jugal Garg (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
* Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria )
* Krzysztof Onak (IBM Research, NY, USA)
* Mahesh Viswanathan (University Illinous, Urbana Champaign, USA)
* Meena Mahajan (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India)
* Michael Kapralov (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
* K Narayan Kumar (CMI, Chennai, India )
* Naveen Garg (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India)
* Neeldhara Misra (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India)
* Neeraj Kayal (Microsoft Research, Bangalore)
* Nisheeth Vishnoi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Nitin Saxena (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India)
* Nutan Limaye (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India)
* Paritosh Pandya (TIFR, Mumbai, India) co-chair
* Paul Gastin (LSV Cachan, France)
* Piyush Srivastava (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India)
* Prahladh Harsha (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India)
* R Ramanujam (IMSc Chennai, India)
* Raghunath Tewari (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India)
* Saket Saurabh (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India)
* Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi, India)
* Seeun Umboh (University of Sydney)
* Siddharth Barman (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
* Subodh Sharma (IIT Delhi, India)
* Sumit Ganguly (IIT Kanpur, India) co-chair
* Sunil Simon (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India)
* Supratik Chakraborty (IIT Bombay, India )
* Thomas Thierauf (Ulm University, Germany)
* Yossi Azar (Technion, Israel)
Organizing Committee
• Anurag Lakhlani (Ahmedabad University)
• Barbara Morawska (Ahmedabad University)
• Dhaval Patel (Ahmedabad University)
• Mazad Zaveri (Ahmedabad University)
• Mehul Raval (Ahmedabad University)
• Pratik Trivedi (Ahmedabad University)
• Ratnik Gandhi (Ahmedabad University) chair
• Sanjay Chaudhary (Ahmedabad University)
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/