Thursday, January 31, 2019

[DMANET] Assistant Professor of Data Analytics - Dept. Supply Chain Analytics - VU Amsterdam

Are you driven for research and teaching in logistics and operations management in a young, dynamic group? Then Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam would like to get to know you.


Job description
We seek a new colleague who can contribute to building and extending the department's reputation for excellence in research and teaching. Our research aims at having an impact, evidenced by publications in top international academic journals. Teaching focuses on logistics and operations management courses and student supervision. Applicants receive a well-structured tenure track.

Your duties

* doing innovative research and publish this research at the highest level in the international top journals;
* creating a stimulating learning environment for students at all levels (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.);
* being active in acquiring additional research funds, both individually and as a team effort with your colleagues.

We are looking for candidates with strong data analytics skills (e.g. data mining, machine learning, data science, predictive analytics,...), and an interest in applying these skills to real-life problems in logistics and operations management. You have:

* A (nearly) completed Ph.D. thesis in Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Operations Research, Operations Management, Management Science or related fields;
* A strong interest in analyzing and modeling real-life problems in logistics and operations using state-of-the-art quantitative methods and empirical data witnessed by international scientific publications;
* Good teaching and communication skills to interact successfully with students, industry, and academic partners.

What are we offering?
A challenging position in an international and ambitious research group. The initial employment contract for an Assistant professor will be for a period of 6 years, with the possibility of Tenure. The tenure track position involves research (40%) and teaching (60%). At the end of the second year, a performance evaluation will take place. The Tenure Track Committee will review your file including the evaluation and advice on the continuation of your tenure track. In the fifth year, the Tenure Track Committee will review your file in order to decide upon the tenured assignment, based on the assessment criteria of the Tenure Track system at SBE. In the case of excellent performance, earlier tenure decisions are possible.

Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:

* a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment
* 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
* considerable employer's contribution to the ABP pension scheme
* contribution to commuting expenses
* an optional model for designing a personalized benefits package
* a relocation allowance
* you may also be eligible for a favorable tax ruling for high-skilled expats (the so-called 30% ruling), which means that 30% of the salary is free of taxes, resulting in a higher net salary.
About Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The ambition of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is clear: to contribute to a better world through outstanding education and ground-breaking research. And to be a university where personal education and societal involvement play a leading role. Where people from different disciplines and backgrounds work together on innovations and on generating new knowledge. Our teaching and research embrace the whole spectrum of science - from the humanities, the social sciences and the pure sciences through to the life sciences and the medical sciences.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is home to more than 23,000 students. We employ more than 4,500 individuals. The VU campus is easily accessible, located in the heart of Amsterdam's Zuidas district, a truly inspiring environment for teaching and research.

School of Business and Economics
The School of Business and Economics (SBE) provides high-quality education and excellent research in business administration and economics with a focus on contributing to the social, economic and ecological challenges of our time. Whether it is the use of robots in society or big data, labor market participation or flexibility in the labor market, traffic jams or the housing market, flash crashes in the stock market or choice behavior in gambling, leadership or change management: we believe in goal-oriented scientific research and understand that progress in academics, the business community and society is achieved through cooperation, openness and social responsibility.

At SBE, all of our highly-motivated colleagues work together closely in a stimulating, dynamic and international environment to achieve our collective goal of encouraging society to make informed choices. Approximately 4,200 Bachelor's and Master's students and 1,700 executive students are enrolled at the School, and employs roughly 500 people.

The Department of Supply Chain Analytics is driven for science with purpose, focusing on solving real-life problems in distribution logistics, including performance analysis, distribution and transport network optimization, and supply chain coordination. The group operates in a strong international research and industry network, participates in various national and international research projects and regularly organizes international conferences and workshops. Group members collaborate with leading researchers at several international universities and research output is published in leading academic journals in the field. Teaching wise, our mission is to empower students with the methodological skills, managerial insights, and enduring curiosity to contribute to solving today's challenges in the industry

Diversity is one of our university's core values. We are an inclusive community, and we believe that diversity and international activities enhance the quality of education and research. We are always looking for people who can enhance diversity on our campus thanks to their background and experience

Are you interested in this position? Send your letter with your motivation, CV, list of publications, a research and teaching statement, two recommendation letters by March 15th, 2019, to Ms. M. Maletic, Managing Director of the School of Business and Economics, by e-mail:<>. Please mention position in the e-mail header. We start inviting candidates from the application deadline onwards, and the search will continue until the position has been filled with a high-quality candidate.

Vacancy questions
If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, you may contact:

Prof. Dr. W.E.H. Dullaert, e-mail:<>, phone +31-20-5983627
Prof. Dr. Ir. S. de Leeuw, e-mail:<>, phone: +31-20-5986067

Relocation support
If you have any questions regarding moving to Amsterdam and working at VU Amsterdam, you may contact:
Name: Wytske Siegersma
Position: Relocation Advisor
Telephone: +31 (20) 59 85037

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