Fellow in PARAMETERIZED COMPLEXITY led by Professor Michael Fellows at
the University of Bergen, Norway. The project is Parameterized
Complexity for Practical Computing, financed by The Research Council of
Norway through the ToppForsk programme.
The University of Bergen has renewable energy as one of its main
research focus areas. The successful candidate is expected to
collaborate with the optimization group of our department, as well as
researchers in other departments of the Faculty of mathematics and
natural sciences working on marine research.
Applicants must hold a PhD or an equivalent degree in computer science
(completed by April 30, 2019), with specialization in algorithms. See:
The application and appendices must be uploaded at www.jobbnorge.no by
For additional information contact Mike Fellows. Email:
Frances Rosamond, Professor
Department of Informatics
University of Bergen
Editor: Parameterized Complexity Newsletter
Editor: Parameterized Complexity wiki (www.fpt.wikidot.com)
Parameterized Complexity Implementation PACE
President and CEO: Rosamond Computer Science Research and Education
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