Wednesday, January 9, 2019

[DMANET] PhD/postdoc position in discrete-continuous optimization, Zuse Institute Berlin

The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) is a non-university research institute
under public law of the state of Berlin. The divisions "Mathematical
Optimization and Scientific Information" and "Mathematics for Life and
Materials Sciences" are jointly offering a

*Research Position (d/f/m)*
*(reference code: WA 71/18)*
*pay grade E 13 – TV-L Berlin (100%)*

The position is offered starting on 2019-02-01 and will be a fixed-term
contract for two years with the option to be extended.


In the frame of the Cluster of Excellence MATH+, continuous optimal
control techniques for flight trajectory planning shall be combined with
discrete graph-based path optimization methods for aircraft flight
planning. Aims are both a theoretical understanding of their
relationship in terms of existence and uniqueness results as well as
approximation error estimates on one hand, and the development of
efficient hybrid methods for path optimization.

We offer a challenging professional environment with excellent equipment
and a friendly working atmosphere. In addition, Berlin offers a rich
mathematical landscape, which is particularly interesting due to the
excellence platform ECMath with the research center Matheon and the
Berlin Mathematical School for junior researchers. We offer the
possibility for further qualification and strong support for your
top-level research with international visibility. We also support the
participation in international and national conferences.


* Master degree in mathematics or comparable subject
* experience in several of the following areas: numerical analysis,
optimal control, combinatorial optimization
* good programming skills in C/C++ and Matlab/Octave
* good command of spoken and written English

We expect communication and teamwork skills, creativity, as well as a
high degree of independence and commitment.

The institute also offers a family-friendly working environment with
flexible working and meeting times. Although the position is full-time,
a part-time agreement is also possible

The candidature of women is encouraged. Since women are underrepresented
in information technology, ZIB is trying to increase the proportion of
women in this research area.

Persons with disabilities will be given preference, when equally qualified.

Please send your application, quoting the reference code *WA 71/18*,
including CV in tabular form and all relevant documents by *January
17th, 2018* (date of receipt) to

Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
- Administration -
Takustr. 7
14195 Berlin

or electronically as pdf to:

The privacy statement concerning the hiring procedure can be found under

Further information about the position can be obtained from
as well as Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndörfer ( and Dr. Martin
Weiser (

Further job offerings are available on


Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndoerfer

Zuse Institute Berlin, Optimization
Freie Universität Berlin, Mathematics
Takustrasse 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Fon: +49.30.84185-243
Sec: -209
Fax: -269

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