Sunday, November 1, 2020

[DMANET] [CFP- Deadline extended] CIAC 2021 - 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity


CIAC 2021 - 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity
10-12 May 2021 – Larnaca, Cyprus

COVID19 contingency plan: The steering committee is monitoring closely the situation with COVID19. In case there are any travel restrictions at the time of the conference due to the ongoing pandemic, the organizers will make the necessary arrangements so that affected presenters could make their presentations remotely.

Aims and Scope
The International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity is intended to provide a forum for researchers working in all aspects of computational complexity and the use, design, analysis and experimentation of efficient algorithms and data structures.

Papers presenting original research in the areas of algorithms and complexity are sought, including (but not limited to):
- sequential, parallel and distributed algorithms and data structures
- approximation and randomized algorithms
- graph algorithms and graph drawing
- on-line and streaming algorithms
- analysis of algorithms and computational complexity
- algorithm engineering
- web algorithms
- exact and parameterized computation
- algorithmic game theory
- computational biology
- foundations of communication networks
- computational geometry
- discrete optimization

Invited Speakers
- Henning Fernau, Trier University, Germany
- Katharina Huber, University of East Anglia, UK
- Seffi Naor, Technion Haifa, Israel

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the ARCoSS/LNCS series and will be available for distribution at the conference. Accepted papers will be allocated 12 pages total in the LNCS format in the proceedings. More information about the LNCS format can be found on the author instructions page of Springer-Verlag.

Special Issue
The authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for possible publication on a special issue of Theoretical Computer Science devoted to CIAC 2021.

Best Paper Award
There will be a CIAC 2021 Best Paper Award, accompanied by a prize of EUR 1,000 offered by Springer.

Important dates
- Deadline for submission: November 5, 2020, AoE
- Deadline for uploading new versions of already submitted papers: November 10, 2020, AoE
- Notification of acceptance: December 22, 2020
- Final manuscript, camera ready: January 31, 2021

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 12 pages by November 5, 23:59 AoE.
Uploading updated versions of already submitted papers will be allowed until November 10, 23:59 AoE
Submissions are handled by EasyChair at the following web
All submissions will be rigorously peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the quality of their contribution, originality, soundness, and significance.
Simultaneous submission of papers to any other conference with proceedings published or made publicly available, or submitting papers previously accepted for journal publication is not allowed.

Submission Format: An extended abstract submitted to CIAC 2021 should start with the title of the paper, each author's name, affiliation and e-mail address, followed by a one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. This should then be followed by a technical exposition of the main ideas and techniques used to achieve these results, including motivation and a clear comparison with related work. The extended abstract should not exceed 12 pages total in the LNCS format.
Note: References/Bibliography will not be counted as part of the 12 pages; figures and tables will be counted. If the authors believe that more details are essential to substantiate the claims of the paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix (with no space limit) that will be read at the discretion of the Program Committee. It is strongly recommended that submissions adhere to the specified format and length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately.

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