Wednesday, November 17, 2021

[DMANET] new Bulletin of the EATCS available now

Dear DMANET community,

the new issue of the Bulletin of the EATCS is now available at:

It comes with several innovations. First of all, I would like to welcome
our new editors: *Seth Gilbert*, *Dennis Komm*, *Michal Koucky*, and *Luca
Trevisan*! Seth will take over the Distributed Computing Column from me.
Dennis will join the Educational Column by Juraj Hromkovic as a co-editor.
Michal will take over the Computational Complexity Column from Vikraman

And Luca Trevisan... well, this brings us to our next innovation: in this
issue of the Bulletin, we experiment with some new columns. In particular,
in order to complement the technical columns, we have
four new columns:

- The first, is a "*Theory Blogs Column*" led by Luca Trevisan, which
revolves around current trends on the web, including blogs and social

- With the "*Viewpoint Column*", we introduce a column in which a member of
the community shares an opinion or perspective on subjects of interest
to the community. *Roger Wattenhofer* kindly offered to contribute a first
such column.

- Then, we have an "*Interview Column*", in which we introduce a "person
behind the papers". Our first interview is with *Kurt Mehlhorn*, and I
highly recommend you to take a look at this column as well.

- A "*Memorial Column*", in which a community member shares some memories
from her or his career. The first column is contributed by
*Gregory Chaitin.*

I would like to thank all editors, authors, and other contributors, for
their help with this issue.

I hope you enjoy some of the new formats, and I welcome any feedback on the


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