Tuesday, November 15, 2022

[DMANET] Postdoc and PhD positions in Combinatorics at Heidelberg University, Germany (research group: Prof Felix Joos)

In the group of Prof Felix Joos at Heidelberg University, Germany there
are the following open positions to fill:

Postdoc: 2-year position (extension possible)
PhD student: 3-year position

Starting date: Around September/October 2023 (negotiable)

For the postdoc position please apply via mathjobs (soft deadline 1st
December): https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/21306

Applications for the PhD position should be directly sent to Prof Felix
Joos (joos@uni-heidelberg.de). For informal inquires, please get in
touch with him.

Postdoc applicants should have a strong background in combinatorics.

PhD applicants should have a degree in Mathematics or related. Please
include in your application a cover letter, a cv, your master thesis and
names of two to three people who are willing to write a letter of
recommendation for you.

DEADLINE: all applications for the PhD position received until 15th
December receive full consideration. The position remains open until filled.

More information about the Heidelberg combinatorics group:
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
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