Sunday, May 28, 2023

[DMANET] Call for Participation 2nd T e a P A C S - SIGMETRICS 2023

The Second International Workshop on Teaching Performance Analysis of Computer Systems
( ) will be held on June 19, 2023, in Orlando, with SIGMETRICS 2023,
co-located with ten other top conferences as part of ACM FCRC 2023.

In the following, you find the final program and the motivations.
We call for academics, engineers and students to participate in T e a P A C S 2023. We have invited speakers who will provide keynotes on issues related to teaching. However, the workshop's success depends on a productive dialogue and deliberation among all participants to review the state of our discipline and suggest a course of action for growing performance modeling and analysis.

Final Program

Opening Remarks
Talk 1: Giuliano Casale: Performance evaluation teaching in the Age of cloud computing
Talk 2: Diwakar Krishnamurthy: Teaching Software Performance Evaluation to Undergrads: Lessons Learned and Challenges
coffee break
FCRC Plenary
Discussion Session (D1): What to teach
Talk 3: Mohammad Hajiesmaili: How does the learning-augmented design with joint classic and societal criteria revolutionize the foundations of performance analysis?
Coffee Break
Talk 4: Ziv Scully: The Role of Advanced Math in Teaching Performance Modeling
Discussion Session (D2): How to teach
Closing Remarks

Please, look at ( for abstracts and more details.

The workshop on Teaching Performance Analysis of Computer Systems (T e a P A C S) was conceived on the 50th anniversary of SIGMETRICS, with an objective to take stock of performance modeling analysis as a discipline. It was held in 2021 and co-located with the IFIP Performance Conference in Milano, Italy.

The need to open the discussion on this topic comes, on the one hand, from the obvious consideration that, since the formation of ACM SIGMETRICS and IFIP TC 7 (which includes WG 7.3 Computer System Modeling), computing systems have changed drastically. The growing complexity of systems, services, and their relative context makes it more urgent and critical to model and analyse the performance and behaviour of systems. On the other hand, the teaching of performance modeling has faced cutbacks as budgets are squeezed, and student interests shift.

The workshop aims to stimulate discussion on how the community should respond to this challenge. Consequently, the chosen format is to have invited speakers and discussions open to all participants.

The Second International Workshop on Teaching Performance Analysis of Computer Systems (T e a P A C S 2023, ) wants to continue the discussion that was started during the First Workshop.

T e a P A C S 2021 aimed to assess performance analysis as a discipline and discuss how our community should respond to this challenge. The abstracts for the talks and a recording of the discussions can be found in Performance Evaluation Review<> and on the T e a P A C S 2021 website<>.

This Second Workshop aims to explore further the issues raised in T e a P A C S 2021: the importance of performance analysis, ignorance of related concepts among industry engineers and systems researchers, students' weakness in mathematical preparation, the need to accommodate their current interests and learning habits, etc.

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