Friday, May 19, 2023

[DMANET] International Conference on Bilevel Optimization

International Conference on Bilevel Optimization
Southampton, UK, 8-11 August 2023

Submissions and registrations are now opened; more details can be found here:

Abstract submission deadline (talks and posters): May 28th, 2023

Support grants: there are about 10 grants of up to £400 pounds each, to support PhD students and early career researchers attending both the summer school (8 August) and the main conference (9-11 August), to be awarded on a competitive basis; see here<> for details on how to apply.

Special Issue: Submissions are also opened for a special issue of the conference (in honor of Stephan Dempe) to be published by Optimization; see here<> on how to submit your paper.

Organizing sessions and streams: you are invited to organize a special session or stream (of multiple sessions) related to any topic of the conference; see relevant details here<>.

Best wishes,
Alain Zemkoho
(On behalf of the Organizing Committee)

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