Monday, May 15, 2023

[DMANET] PhD position on Railway scheduling at Utrecht University

PhD position on Railway scheduling
At Utrecht University we are looking for a candidate to fill a 5-year PhD position on Railway scheduling. In this PhD position you will join the Department of Information and Computer Science of Utrecht University in the LTP Robust Rail Project on Responsible Decision Support for Efficient and Dynamic Railway Systems.
This project is a collaboration between Utrecht University, NS (Dutch Railways, the main Dutch passenger rail operator), ProRail (the Dutch rail infra manager) and TU Delft. The main goal is to improve the planning of Railway hubs, consisting of station areas and service sites. As you will work on real-life research questions with high societal impact your results might actually be implemented in practice to improve public transport.

Within the RAIL lab you will cooperate with four other PhD-students. You will join the UU group on Operations Research (7 PhD-students). You will execute your PhD-project in close cooperation with two other PhD-students and staff from NS and UU under the guidance of You will work one day a week at NS.

More detailed information can be found at the website (see below); you can furthermore contact Han Hoogeveen ( and/or Marjan van den Akker (, who will be your daily supervisors.

The deadline is May 31.

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