Wednesday, November 22, 2023

[DMANET] Call for posters and short contributed talks on "Deep Reinforcement Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice" at ISAIM-2024 (Ft. Lauderdale. Florida, Jan. 8-10, 2024)

Call for posters and short contributed talks

Workshop Theme: "Deep Reinforcement Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice"
Organizers: Abhishek Gupta and Zhaoran Wang
Dates & Venue: January 8–10, 2024, at the International Symposium on
Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM 2024), Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Overview: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) stands at the forefront of AI
research, shaping the future of diverse fields from robotics to finance.
However, the journey from theoretical foundations to practical applications
in DRL is laden with challenges. Our workshop, a special session of ISAIM
2024, aims to address these challenges by fostering a deeper understanding
and appreciation of the latest advancements in DRL.

Key Features:
* Expert Speakers: Gain insights from renowned figures in academia and
industry on cutting-edge DRL research and trends.
* Hands-on Labs: Experience the implementation of advanced DRL
algorithms through practical sessions.
* Discussion Panels: Engage in enriching discussions moderated by
leading DRL professionals.
* Poster Sessions: An opportunity to network and collaborate with peers.
* Key Challenges Addressed: Sample efficiency, exploration vs.
exploitation, transfer learning, stability and convergence, and
real-world application barriers.

Objective: Our goal is to illuminate the connection between the theoretical
and practical aspects of DRL, addressing inherent challenges in the field.
Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge, backed by hands-on experiences
and expert-led discussions.

Target Audience: This workshop is ideal for researchers, AI practitioners,
graduate students, and industry professionals keen on exploring the forefront
of Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Call for Posters: We invite submissions for poster presentations that align
with the theme of the workshop. This is an excellent opportunity to
showcase your research, share novel ideas, and interact with experts in the
field. There is also a possibility for short contributed talks.

Submission Guidelines:
* Poster topics should be relevant to DRL and its challenges.
* Abstracts should be concise, clearly outlining objectives,
methodology, and findings.
* Include author(s) name, affiliation, and contact information.

Submission Deadline: Jan. 5, 2024

Contact Information:

Join us in exploring the intricate world of DRL and contribute to bridging
the gap between theory and practice. We look forward to your insightful
contributions and lively discussions!
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