Tuesday, November 28, 2023

[DMANET] Heureka Student Award 2023 (2nd Call)

The Heureka Foundation for Environment and Mobility honors outstanding Diploma or Master's theses that are dedicated to issues in mobility in connection with environmental aspects or the use of optimization methods with the

*** Heureka Student Award 2023 ***

The selected work will be awarded prizes of 2.000€ (1. Prize), 1.000 € (2. Prize), and 500 € (3. Prize) and an invitation to the heureka'24 conference in Stuttgart (March 13/14 2024, coverage of conference fee and travel expenses).

You can submit theses from all disciplines that meet the following criteria:

- The thesis investigates a mobility topic in connection with environmental aspects or the use of optimization methods.
- The work was done at a German-speaking university.
- The work was finally handed over to the respective department / institute / professorship between 01.01.2022 and 30.09.2023.

Applications for the Student Award 2023 can be submitted by the supervisor or by the author by November 30, 2023 by e-mail to


Your application should contain (see http://stiftung-heureka.de/student-award/ for details):

- A 1- to 3-page summary of the work
- A CV (max one page)
- The Diploma or Master's thesis as a PDF
- The completed cover sheet (download from the website) signed by a professor supporting the application.

The thesis and all other documents can be submitted in German or English.

The winners will be notified in mid-january 2024.


Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndoerfer

Zuse Institute Berlin, Optimization
Freie Universität Berlin, Mathematics
Takustrasse 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Fon: +49.30.84185-243
Sec: -209
Fax: -269
E-mail: mailto:borndoerfer@zib.de
WWW: http://www.zib.de/borndoerfer

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