Wednesday, November 29, 2023

[DMANET] Postdoc opportunity at LSE Mathematics - deadline 21 December 2023


LSE's Department of Mathematics is looking to appoint a Research Officer to contribute to the EPSRC New Investigator Award "New perspectives towards Woodall's conjecture and the Generalised Berge-Fulkerson conjecture", working with Principal Investigator Dr Ahmad Abdi. The project will take an optimisation-inspired approach towards the conjectures and related problems. The anticipated start date is 1 October 2024, but earlier or later start dates may be possible. More information about the scope of the project and the research interests of the PI can be found on this<> webpage.

The successful applicant will hold (or be near completion of) a PhD in a discipline relevant to mathematical optimisation, such as Mathematics, Computer Science, or Operations Research by post start date. They will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and experience in the theoretical understanding of fundamental problems in combinatorial optimisation, and its connections to other areas such as graph theory, integer programming, and submodular optimisation. They will show evidence of developing a body of good quality publications, in well-recognised peer reviewed outlets, through independent original research.

For the official job posting, and how to apply, please visit this<> webpage.

The closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 21st December 2023 (23.59 UK time).

Kind regards,

Ahmad Abdi
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, LSE

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