Saturday, November 18, 2023

[DMANET] ODS2024 - First Call-for-Papers

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are very happy to announce that ODS2024, the International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science organized by AIRO, the Italian Association for Operations Research, will be held in Badesi, Sardinia, Italy, on September 8-12, 2024:

The conference venue is the Resort & SPA Le Dune, which is located in the north coast of Sardinia between sand dunes and old juniper trees:

The conference theme is " "Operations Research: closing the gap between research and practice", but it is open in the whole field of Operations Research.

Two types of contribution are considered:

1- Short paper (8--10 pages), prepared in LaTeX or Word using the Springer template and submitted via Springer's Online Conference Service OCS. The deadline is February 24, 2024. Accepted papers will be included in a special volume of the AIRO Springer Series, indexed in main scientific databases.
2- Abstract (max 2000 characters), prepared using the ODS2023 Word template available on the website and submitted via a form. The deadline is February 24, 2024. Session proposals are also welcome and have to be sent through the form available on the website. The deadline is January 31, 2024. A list of possible contributions (3 to 5) is also required.

For any further information please contact <>.
We look forward to seeing you in Sardinia at ODS2024!!
The Organizing Committee:
Francesco Contu, Massimo Di Francesco (Chair), Enrico Gorgone, Benedetto Manca, Roberto Wolfler Calvo, Simone Zanda

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