research topics in computer science are eligible.
This is a tenured permanent position reserved to people that have NOT had a contract (phd or research contract) with our university in the last
three years.
To apply you need to be in, at least, a "Class b" position in your home institution, according to the equivalence relation published here
You can also apply if you have got the "abilitazione scientifica nazionale" as associate professor by the italian national committee
Your duties include a teaching load of 120 hours in class (theory or lab, most often both) and an international research activities.
Teaching for most courses is in italian, a minor percentage of courses is taught in english. If you are not fluent in italian, we can arrange for you to teach in english in the initial years
The Computer Science degree of the University of Turin (Italy) is one of the oldest computer science curricula in Italy, established in 1970. The Institute for computer science, now department of computer science, was establish around the same time. We now have more than 80 professors in the permanent staff, more than 20 post docs, and around 60 PhD students.
The official call is available here:
Please do not hesitate to contact for any further information and for help with the application procedure.
Susanna Donatelli
Department Head
Computer Science Department (
University of Turin - Italy (
Prof. Roberto Aringhieri, Ph.D. - Associate Professor
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, I-10149 Torino, Italy
Office: +39 011 6706755 -
Associate Editor for Operations Research for Health Care
Health Care Systems Area Editor for Flexible Services and
Manufacturing Journal
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