Thursday, January 25, 2024

[DMANET] Postdoc Position in Data-Driven and Learning-Based Control

Dear Colleagues,

I seek to recruit a Postdoctoral Researcher (2-years contract) who will have a key role in designing novel data-driven and learning-based control strategies for bioreactors control.

The research activities are framed within the recently funded project "Control of smart microbial communities for wastewater treatment" (Italian Research Project of National Interest - PRIN)

Brief project description (more information in the flyer at

Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove pollutants from domestic, industrial, and agricultural wastewaters, converting them into safe effluent. This process is performed by microorganisms, e.g., bacteria, within controlled environments (bioreactors). Within the project we will ultimately develop new data-driven and learning-based control methodologies to engineer microbial species so that these can cooperate, sharing resources, to autonomously optimize the performance of the bioreactor. The control strategies will be benchmarked in-vivo on a state-of-the-art experimental facility.

Why applying

We offer a two-years position in a thriving, supportive and inclusive research environment.
You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities
Competitive salary

Who are we looking for?

The ideal candidate will have:
a Ph.D. in Control Engineering or related fields
background in optimization, reinforcement learning and complex systems
strong publication record

How to apply

By the 15th of March, 2024, email attaching:

Your Curriculum Vitae
Statement of Motivation and Research interests (2-pages max)
Names and contacts of two Academic Referees

Giovanni Russo
Associate Professor
Senior IEEE Member | Senior Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Twitter: @GRusso_UniSa

University of Salerno
Dept. of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM)

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