Monday, January 22, 2024

Re: [DMANET] dmanet Digest, Vol 191, Issue 39

We're very excited to be advertising 5 ongoing academic jobs at Monash
University in Melbourne, Australia. The positions can be in any area of
mathematics, but discrete maths (including graph theory and combinatorics)
is designated as a priority area and we intend to hire in that area if
possible. These are standard teaching and research positions with
reasonable teaching loads and a very strong research environment. For the
formal details see:

Please spread the word and/or apply yourself. We can appoint young or
established researchers, singles or couples or potentially even a group.
Monash discrete maths group is internationally important (see details on
the group's blog ) and
Melbourne regularly features highly in lists of the world's most liveable
cities. So come and join us!

Deadline for applications is 11:55am Fri 15 March (Melbourne time, which
may well be Thurs 14 March in your timezone).
For any enquiries, email

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