Tuesday, January 30, 2024

[DMANET] Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (April 2024 in London)

The 28th Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (PCC) will be held in London on 15-17 April 2023. The conference website<https://sites.google.com/view/pcc-2024/home> includes further details.

The PCC is a well-established three-day event promoted by the British Combinatorial Committee. The conference is organised by, and for, current research students in all areas of combinatorial and discrete mathematics. The PCC is mainly aimed at UK-based students but is also open to those from abroad.

The main goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for research students to discuss their research in a relaxed environment, to gain practice at presenting their research outside of their own department and to meet other researchers in their area. Each student is encouraged to contribute by giving a talk which will last 25 minutes (including 5 minutes for questions). Those who wish to contribute a talk should send a title and abstract (following the template available on the conference website) to pcc2024@gmx.com<mailto:pcc2024@gmx.com> by 15 March 2024.

We are also pleased to announce the following invited speakers.

Carla Groenland<https://cgroenland.wordpress.com/> (Delft University of Technology)
Richard Montgomery<https://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/staff/R.H.Montgomery/> (University of Warwick)
Alexey Pokrovskiy<https://alexeypokrovskiy.com/> (University College London)
Julia Wolf<https://www.juliawolf.org/> (University of Cambridge)

We might be able to provide some financial support. Further information on how to access refunds for travelling will be given during the conference. If your possibility of attending the conference depends on our financial support, please send an email to pcc2024@gmx.com<mailto:pcc2024@gmx.com> by the 15th of March).

For any queries, please email us at pcc2024@gmx.com<mailto:pcc2024@gmx.com>.


Francesco Di Braccio (LSE)
Kyriakos Katsamaktsis (UCL)
Joanna Lada (LSE)
Domenico Mergoni Cecchelli (LSE)

Alp Müyesser (UCL)

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