Tuesday, July 9, 2024

[DMANET] Graph Theory: 6th edition out, substantial additions and improvements

The 6th edition of my Springer Graduate Text, Graph Theory, is available electronically from


The corresponding print edition will appear with Springer later this year - no idea how long they will take.

Quite a few things are new in this edition, including:

- Two new sections on how to apply the regularity lemma
(counting lemma, removal lemma, Szemerédi's theorem with proof of Roth's theorem)

- New chapter section on chi-boundedness

- Gallai's A-paths theorem

- Nash-Williams's cycle decomposition theorem for infinite graphs,
with proof from Laviolette's theorem

- New or substantially simplified proofs of...
- Lovász's perfect graph theorem
- Seymour's 6-flow theorem
- Turán's theorem
- Tutte's theorem about flow polynomials
- the Chvátal-Erdös theorem on Hamilton cycles
- the tree-of-tangles theorem for graph minors (two new proofs, one canonical)
- the 5-colour theorem :)

Reinhard Diestel

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