Friday, July 26, 2024

[DMANET] W3 Full Professor Position in Software Engineering in Heidelberg

Dear colleagues, please share the following with people who may be

We currently have an opening for a W3 Full Professor position in
Software Engineering in Heidelberg! We are looking for exceptional
candidates for a position in Computer Science with a special emphasis on
Software Engineering (SE). This includes a research focus on areas such
as secure SE, development of dependable software and software for data
science, as well as SE for AI. The research interests of a successful
applicant should complement the existing research groups in Computer
Science. Applicants should have an excellent research record and
experience in application-oriented research.

Deadline for the applications is the 16th September.
For more information, see$.startup?MODUL=LS&M1=1&M2=0&M3=0&PRO=35649

Thank you

Christian Schulz
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