Wednesday, July 31, 2024

[DMANET] tenure-track associate professor position in Operations Research at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa

The Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa is happy to announce the opening of a tenure-track associate professor position (RTT) in Operations Research. It is a 6-years fixed-term contract, including teaching duties, that becomes permanent upon condition of acquiring the Italian National Habilitation as Associate Professor within the period. Italian language is not strictly required (teaching duties in English are possible), but since this is in prospect a permanent position it should be acquired in the mid-term.

The position arises in the context of the Operations Research group at the Department, counting five permanent professors and three fixed-term ones, with varied research interests in methodologies such as discrete and nonlinear optimization, game theory, and variational problems, pursuing applications in various domains such as energy, logistics, telecommunications, and healthcare, and actively collaborating with colleagues in numerical analysis, algorithmics, parallel computing, machine learning, and others.

More information is available at

Researchers working in all areas of Operations Research are welcome to apply.

Full details on the application procedure can be found at

Deadline for the application is August, 29@13:00, Italian time. Feel free to contact any Operations Research professor of the Department for further information.

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