Wednesday, July 3, 2024

[DMANET] Summer issue of the EATCS Bulletin

Dear DMANET community,

the Summer issue of the EATCS Bulletin is now available at:

The Interview Column features Sergio Rajsbaum. He tells us about his
experiences when, 30 years ago, he travelled all the way from Mexico to
Israel to study at the Technion, and soon after became part of Shimon
Even's academic family. He also reflects on what makes a good team mate, a
good PhD advisor, and on the role of trust in general.

The Distributed Computing Column, edited by Seth Gilbert, features an
article by Helen Xu who shares with us "everything we need to know" about
how to design efficient parallel applications that operate on dynamic
graphs, from container designs (i.e., data structures), over interfaces for
interacting with a dynamic graph, to performance benchmarking.

In the Formal Language Theory Column, edited by Giovanni Pighizzini, Markus
L. Schmid highlights the relationship between a recent research area in
database theory, namely the information extraction framework of document
spanners, and classical formal language theory.

In the Logic in Computer Science Column, Yuri Gurevich and Andreas Blass
discuss some of the many foundational problems raised by the ongoing AI
revolution, in a thought-provoking dialogue.

The Bulletin further includes reports from the EATCS Japan Chapter and the
40th British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science.

I wish you an inspiring read and a wonderful Summer!

Stefan Schmid

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmid
Intelligent Networks (INET)
TU Berlin, Germany
Research group:
Personal: * <>*

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