Monday, June 13, 2022

[DMANET] Postdoctoral positions at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic

** Postdoctoral positions at Faculty of Informatics in Brno, Czech Republic

The Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University in Brno invites
applications for postdoctoral positions in all areas of computer science.
In particular, a successful candidate can join the DIMEA research group - - which is
co-headed by Petr Hliněný and Dan Kráľ and whose research focus includes
the following areas:
* discrete algorithms,
* discrete optimization,
* extremal combinatorics,
* geometric graph theory,
* structural graph theory,
* topological graph theory, and
* theory of combinatorial limits.
Candidates are expected to have obtained their PhD at most four years ago;
it is also possible to apply without PhD if the PhD thesis has already been
submitted for defense. All candidates are expected to be fluent in English;
knowledge of Czech is not required.

Link to the opening:

* Deadline for application: September 4, 2022
* Starting date: January 2023 (or later, negotiable)
* Length of contract: one or two years
* Salary: around 30K EUR per year (about 150% of the average salary in the
country, enough for a comfortable living in Brno)
* Additional travel funds available

If you are interested in applying, please contact Petr Hlineny <> and/or Dan Kral <> with possible
questions (and to discuss the support letter required to apply).

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