Monday, April 24, 2023

[DMANET] CRA-E Workshops for Postdocs and Students at FCRC

Hi All,

This year Sigmetrics'23 is organized as a part of FCRC (Federated Computing Research Conference,<>, June 16-23, 2023, Orlando, Florida).

We want to bring your attention to two events at FCRC this year hosted by CRA-E. They include a workshop for grad students/post-docs considering teaching-oriented academic careers and an info session for grad students/post-docs who might be advising undergraduate researchers and would like to participate in a new mentor training program.

Here is information about the workshop:

The CRA-E: Teaching-Focused Academic Careers Workshop will take place at FCRC on Wednesday, June 21, 5:30-9:30pm. This workshop is intended for PhD students and postdocs who want to learn about academic career options with a focus on teaching and gain a better understanding of the landscape of academic positions. Experienced and successful academic leaders as well as junior faculty in different teaching-oriented positions will highlight how to best prepare for the different teaching positions and compare teaching-focused career paths. Workshop sessions will focus on the responsibilities, benefits, challenges, and opportunities of different teaching-focused career paths, including information on what's needed to be a competitive candidate.

Graduate students and postdocs considering teaching-oriented academic careers are encouraged to register for the workshop through FCRC. We also ask that individuals additionally register through CRA-E's website.

Workshop website:

CRA-E registration form:

Here is information about the information session:

UR2PhD Information Session: An undergraduate research to PhD national mentoring program

June 21st, 10-10:30 am

CRA will host a brief information session on UR2PhD (pronounced "you are 2 PhD") to introduce the program, describe how departments–including graduate students/post-docs, undergraduate students, and faculty–can get involved, and answer questions. UR2PhD is a national, virtual program with the goal of vastly increasing the number of women engaging in CS research–from the undergraduate level to the PhD. UR2PhD comprises three pillars: (1) early undergraduate research methods training and community, (2) research mentor training for graduate students and post-docs advising undergraduate researchers, and (3) a bridge program to support undergraduate students from their first research experience through their application to a PhD program.

Best Regards,

ACM SIGMETRICS 2023 Organizing Team

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