Thursday, April 13, 2023

[DMANET] TIES 2023 Regional Meeting - Call for Papers, Abstracts and Session Proposal

Dear TIES friends,

*The International Environmetrics Society (TIES)* cordially invites you to
participate in our *TIES 2023 Regional Meeting* to be held in Trent
University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, *July 24-29*, *2023*

Please, find in our website the TIES 2023 *Call for Papers*, along with the
*Abstract* and *Session Proposal* instructions, and templates. Also,
please, do spread the word in your communities.
*Deadline: April 21, 2023*

News: *Hybrid presentations* are possible !

This is the first in-person/hybrid TIES gathering since the COVID-19
pandemic. We are sure that you, as us, miss the vibrant interdisciplinary
atmosphere and many unique moments of our in-person TIES meetings.

So, we hope to finally see many old and new friends of TIES in July!

Best regards,

*Yulia R. Gel*
*President of the TIES*
On behalf of TIES 2023 Organizing Committee

*Ignacio Segovia-Dominguez, Ph.D*
The University of Texas at Dallas
*NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech *


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