Thursday, April 20, 2023

[DMANET] PhD Position in Monitoring and Safety Verification at TU Delft (Anna Lukina)

PhD Position in Monitoring and Safety Verification for the Dutch Railways.

Challenge: Real-time monitoring of deployed plans and human-in-the-loop adaptation to disruptions.
Change: Synergy between formal methods and machine learning.
Impact: Robust deployment of automated systems in the real world.

The main difference between offline planning and online deployment of automated solutions in modern applications is that the real world can exhibit changes not accounted for in a simulated environment. In practice, we need to identify when the system may not be doing what we expect and adapt to it quickly. The challenge of this project is to support experts in formally monitoring automated systems and promptly adapting to the real-world disruptions.

You will be part of the Algorithmics Group in the Department of Software Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. As a PhD researcher, you will reinforce and extend the group's expertise in the interdisciplinary field combining formal methods and machine learning. You will work in a dynamic and diverse environment of other PhD and postdoc researchers excited about making theoretical and algorithmic contributions in intelligent decision making. In addition, you will collaborate with experts at the Dutch Railways and ProRail and four PhD students addressing other aspects of railway automation.

Apply until May 15, 2023:

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