Monday, October 30, 2023

[DMANET] [Scheduling seminar] Yumei Huo (CUNY) | November 1 | Sublinear Space and Sublinear Time Algorithms for the Scheduling Problems.

Dear scheduling researcher,

We are delighted to announce the talk given by Yumei Huo (CUNY).
The title is " Sublinear Space and Sublinear Time Algorithms for the
Scheduling Problems ".

The seminar will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, November 1 at 14:00 UTC.
Please check carefully the summer/winter time change in your country.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 1590 7109
Passcode: 224328

You can follow the seminar online or offline on our Youtube channel as well:

The abstract follows.
Our research focuses on algorithmic big data solutions for scheduling
problems, with a goal of devising efficient algorithm design principles
in two key areas: sub-linear space algorithms and sub-linear time
algorithms. The sub-linear space algorithm design aims to develop
streaming algorithms that can approximate the optimal solution in just a
few passes (often just one) over the data, utilizing limited space. On
the other hand, the sub-linear time algorithm design strives to develop
sampling algorithms that can approximate the optimal solution using a
small portion of the input data and operate within sub-linear time.

The next talk in our series will be:
Claire Hanen (Sorbonne U., LIP6) | November 15 | Fixed Parameter
Tractability of scheduling dependent typed tasks with time windows.

For more details, please visit

With kind regards

Zdenek, Mike and Guohua

Zdenek Hanzalek
Industrial Informatics Department,
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics,
Czech Technical University in Prague,
Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1580/3, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic

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