Monday, October 16, 2023

[DMANET] Open position in e-learning project Algo-Learn at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Dear colleagues,

If you are interested to collaborate on this open source e-learning project, please get in touch with me. If you know suitable candidates, please encourage them to apply for the positions:

We are excited to announce a position as a software developer (full-stack) in the Algo-Learn project of the Theoretical Computer Science group at Goethe University Frankfurt. The goal of Algo-Learn is to develop an e-learning platform that can be thought of as "Duolingo for undergraduate courses in Algorithms and Complexity".

Algo-Learn is supposed to enhance traditional lectures and tutorials with interactive electronic exercises used for self-assessment, learning, and e-examination. The challenge is to automatically generate random exercises at the appropriate level of difficulty, as well as evaluate and give feedback on student's answers. The idea is that the platform helps students learn the more routine learning goals of discrete math and algorithms courses on their own, so that the teaching and tutorials can focus on the more difficult to assess learning outcomes.

We are looking for candidates who are excited about algorithms, teaching, and web development. The position is part-time (on average 30 hours/week), temporary (16 months), and requires at least a Master's degree.

If you're interested, please apply as soon as possible. We will start reviewing applications on October 31, 2023 until the position is filled.

For details, see:

Holger Dell
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