Friday, October 13, 2023

[DMANET] Postdoc Position in Algorithmic Mechanism Design

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention a 1.5-year postdoc position related to Algorithmic Mechanism Design.
The position is part of the EPSRC Project "Designing Efficient Market Mechanisms with Simplicity Requirements" led by Dr Bart de Keijzer.

The project is aimed at studying a hierarchy of mechanism design problems for market settings, with a focus on designing mechanisms that simultaneously satisfy good social welfare approximation guarantees, and certain simplicity requirements.

An ideal candidate has a strong background in theoretical computer science and has expertise in algorithmic game theory and algorithmic mechanism design, or a related area. The candidate will also have (or be near-completion of) a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related area.

The deadline for applying for this position is 5 November 2023.

Please apply via the following link:

For further information about the project, or any other informal enquiries, please contact Bart at <> .

Best wishes,

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