Friday, October 27, 2023

[DMANET] Multiple tenure-track and non-tenure positions at DePaul University, Chicago

Dear colleagues,

The School of Computing at DePaul University invites applications for
multiple tenure-track positions at the level of assistant or associate
professor. We are particularly interested in candidates in core AI
(e.g., AI foundation models, machine learning, natural language
processing, responsible AI), cybersecurity (e.g., forensics, cloud
security, usable security, human-centered cybersecurity), information
systems (e.g., process modeling, enterprise cloud computing, BI
systems), computer systems (e.g., cloud computing, virtualization,
data-intensive systems), and software engineering: (e.g., software
design and architecture, quality assurance and testing, software
safety and security, agile and DevOps methodologies).

The School of Computing includes over 74 full-time faculty and more
than 3,600 undergraduate and graduate students. We offer a PhD
program, 12 master's degrees, and 9 bachelor's degrees. The School of
Computing is committed to providing a flexible and supportive
environment for its faculty, promoting a rewarding academic career
with a balance between teaching and research. Located in the heart of
Chicago's vibrant downtown, it offers vast opportunities to forge
relationships with industry, national laboratories, universities, and
other organizations in the Chicago area.

Full ad & application link for these positions:

We also invite applications for a full-time non-tenure-track faculty
position in Computer Science. The faculty appointment is with full
benefits and renewable contingent upon satisfactory performance. We
seek candidates with a commitment to high-quality teaching. The
candidate will have additional responsibilities including curriculum
development and other service to the School.

Full ad & application link for this position:

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