Wednesday, September 18, 2024

[DMANET] CFP-HONET 2024 Symposia & Post-Deadline Papers

- Apologies for any cross-posting -
We are pleased to announce that the two following symposia to be held in conjunction with IEEE HONET 2024, the 21st International Conference on Smart Communities: Improving Quality of Life using AI, Robotics and IoT (HONET), UDST, Qatar, 3-4 December, are accepting papers up to Oct 10th.

- Smart City and IoT Applications to Urban Mobility (SCIAUM'24) (Symposium website )
- Smart Sensing for e-Healthcare Applications using IoT, AI and ML Technologies (Symposium website )

The associated Workshop is accepting presentation abstracts up to Oct 1st.
- Secure and Efficient AI on the Edge (Workshop website )

Additionally, we are open to receiving high-quality post-deadline papers for the main track of the conference.

Accepted and presented papers in the conference or the symposia will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

Visit for more details and instructions on paper submission.
Instructions for paper submission:
Submit your paper:

- Dr. Gordon Cheng: Fellow IEEE, Professor and Coordinator Center of Competence Neuro-Engineering in ECE Department, Technical University Munich, Germany
- Dr. James Won-Ki Hong: Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Dir. Distributed Processing & Networks Management Lab, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea
- Dr. Mohammad Shahidehpour: Fellow IEEE, Bodine Chair Professor and Director, Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation, Illinois Institute of Technology

- University of Doha for Science & Technology, Doha, Qatar
- HONET-ICT cf. Center for Opto-electronics and Optical Communication, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte NC 28223, USA
- IEEE Qatar Section
- IEEE North Carolina Council

Post Deadline/Symposium Paper submission: 10 Oct 2024
Workshop Summary submission: 1st Oct 2024
Decision Notification for post deadline and Symposium Papers: 29 of Oct 2024
Camera Ready and registration: 30 September 2024
Camera Ready and registration for Post Deadline Papers: 31 October 2024
Camera Ready and registration for symposia: 31 October 2024
Program Available: 3rd Nov 2024

TOPICS of the main conference:
Researchers and Authors are invited to submit R&D and concept papers presenting original research work related to the practices and theory related to the theme and scope of HONET. The topics of interest include but not limited:

1. AI & IoT
a. Enhancing the capabilities of Smart Communities using AI
b. Machine Learning models for Smart Cities (LSTM, Deep Learning, Transformers)
c. Realizing Smart Localities using IoT
2. Robotics
a. Robotics & Automation
b. Autonomous Vehicles and Charging Technologies
c. Computer Vision
3. Computer and Communication Networks and Network Security
a. Wireless Networks
b. Photonic Networks
c. 5G Communication and beyond
d. Software Defined Networks (SDN)
e. Network Security and Forensic Analysis
4. Energy and Power Technologies
a. Renewable Energy Sources
b. Smart-Grids and Robust Infrastructure
c. Smart Storage and Demand & Response
d. Micro Grid Analytics and Management
e. Smart Grid and Smart Cities
5. Photonics
a. LEDs, Lasers and Solar Cells and Panels
b. Packaging

M. Yasin Akhtar Raja, Senior Member IEEE, Optica and Fellow SPIE, Prof. Phys. & Optical Science,
Optoelectronics & Optical Communication, UNC Charlotte, NC, USA
Rachid Benlamri, Prof. & VP Academics, University of Doha for Science & Technology, Doha, Qatar
Glenn D. Boreman, Prof. and Chair Physics & Optical Science, Fellow IEEE, SPIE and Optica,
Dir. Center for Optoelectronics & Optical Communication, UNC Charlotte, USA
M. Iqbal Choudhary, Prof., Coordinator General COMSATS, Islamabad, Pakistan

Rachid Benlamri, Prof. & VP Academics, University of Doha for Science & Technology, Doha, Qatar
M. Yasin Akhtar Raja, Senior Member IEEE, Optica and Fellow SPIE, Prof. Physics & Optical Science,
Optoelectronics & Optical Communication, UNC Charlotte, NC, USA

Zakaria Maamar, Prof., University of Doha for Science & Technology, Doha, Qatar
Mohammad Ilyas, SMIEEE, Prof., College of Engineering and Computer Science, Florida Atlantic University, USA

TPC co-chairs
Syed A. Haider, CIS, SUNY Fredonia, NY, USA
Abdulhalim Dandoush, University of Doha for Science & Technology, Doha, Qatar
Charles Lord, Chair, IEEE North Carolina Council, NC, USA

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